
Disadvantage of Network

                    Disadvantage of Network    Maintainance:- Maintaining network of connection between computer  are costly. If a connection two computer or between computer and workstation is intrupted or damage than implementing and maintaing is costly. As other networks of computer connected to that network is affected in stopwork.

Difference between Bounded media and Unbounded media

Difference between Bounded media and Unbounded media Bounded Media ( Physical Channel) Unbounded Media ( Logical Channel) It is also known as guided media. The waves are guided along a solid medium like a copper wire. It is applicable for LAN. It is Cheap. Example:- Twisted pair , Optical Fibre ,etc It is also known as unguided media. There is no Guidence for Electonic wave. It is use in WAN. It is Costly. Example:- Radiowave , Microwave ,etc.

Difference b/w Synchoronus Transmission and Asynchoronus Transmission.

Difference b/w Synchoronus Transmission and Asynchoronus Transmission Synchronous Transmission Asynchronous Transmission It has high efficiency. Its block length is fixed. Data Transmission speed is high. There is no ideal time b/w the characters. A character can be transmitted at random time. It has low efficiency. Its block length is variable. D.T. speed is slow. There is variable Ideal time b/w the characters. Character are buffered into block for transmission.


               ADVANTAGES OF NETWORKING Sharing of Hardware, Sharing of Software, Exchanges of information, Telecommunication. 

ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

A network technology based on transferring data in cell or packets. It comprises of 56 bytes. The cell used with ATM is relatively small compared to units used with older technologies. Passing of ce ll is called cell relay. The small, constant cell size allows ATM equipment to transmit video, audio, and computer data over the same network.

Difference between Baseband and Broadband.

Difference between Baseband and Broadband