1. Sharing of Hardware,
  2. Sharing of Software,
  3. Exchanges of information,
  4. Telecommunication. 

  • Sharing of Hardware:- With the help of networking a printer or a scanner can be used for number of computer at a time. This reduces our budget and space both . And hence share the cost of hardware among all user's devices connected over that network.

  • Sharing of software:-  From network not only installed software or application work can be done but also help us in sharing data and program file to all network users.

  • Exchanges of information :- This is an important advantages that leads to discovery of network. networking help us in accessing powerful information resources (CD- ROM drives). No copying of entire class sets of data disks.

  • Telecommunication :- Telecommunication is one of the most growing benefits of Networking. With this video conferencing, messaging, etc. is done in real time face to face.


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